Written by: great granddaughters Cate and Ida Miller
Marie Antoinette White Peck (1836/37-1908)
Marie White Peck’s date of birth is not included on her headstone in Oakwood Cemetery. As she was 71 years and 8 months old upon her death on March 23, 1908, she was likely born in 1836 or 1837. She married Alfred Peck around 1852, and would have been about 16 years old when she married her husband who was about 11 years older.
In the 1860 US Federal Census, she was living in Montrose, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania with her husband, Alfred, her daughter, Emogene age 6, and brother in-law, Cyrus, age 34. Her age is listed as 24.
The 1870 US Federal Census notes she was 33 years old, living in Binghamton, Broome County, New York, keeping house, and married to Alfred Peck, with two daughters, Jennie age 16, and Virgie age 10. Virgie was born in 1860, likely after the 1860 census date. Her husband’s occupation was listed as a carpenter. In the 1880 Census, the family lived at 125 Plum Street in Austin, Travis County, Texas.
By the 1900 Census, she was 64 years old, widowed, and living with her son-in-law RC Lambie, daughter Emogene and granddaughter Agnes Louise Lambie, on Red River Street in Austin, Texas.
She passed away at the home on Red River, after a ‘lingering’ illness, on March 23, 1908. She was described, in her obituary in the Austin Statesman, as ‘a sincere and earnest Christian woman and had a large number of friends.’ She was survived by her two children, Ms. RC Lambie and Mrs. L Mercier.
She, her husband, her two daughters and their husbands, as well as a child of Emogene Lambie who died in infancy, are all buried near one another in Oakwood Cemetery. Section 1, lot 2.
RC Lambie & Emogene Peck Lambie
Emogene Peck Lambie (1853-1927) - daughter of Marie Antoinette White Peck
Emogene T Peck Lambie was born August 27, 1853, to Alfred Peck and Marie A White Peck. She was born in the state of New York. It is unknown when she, her sister Virginia, and her parents moved to Austin together, but the 1870 US Federal Census shows the family living in Binghamton Ward 1, Broome, New York, and that Emogene went by ‘Jennie.’
The 1880 US Federal Census shows she was 27 at that time, and lived with her family at 125 Plum Street in Austin. She met her future husband, Robert Common Lambie, after he moved to Austin from Detroit, likely in the 1870’s. They were married October 18, 1882, at the First Presbyterian church in Austin. In an article on the marriage, in the Austin American Statesman the following day, she is described as ‘a daughter of one of the oldest and most respectable families of our city.’ The article notes that after the marriage, the newly-weds took the train to Galveston for a visit there.
They spent most of their married life living at 97 Red River Street. Her husband went on to be a very prolific builder and developer in Austin, with his partner, Francis Fischer. Their firm was known as Fischer & Lambie. Many of their buildings still stand today in Austin and central Texas.
Emogene ‘Jennie’ Peck was a mother and housewife. Her first daughter, Virgie Lambie, born in 1884, lived only 9 months, and is buried in the same family plot as her parents, aunt and uncle, and maternal grandparents in Oakwood Cemetery. Emogene's second child, Agnes Louise Lambie Miller, was raised in Austin, married John D Miller, and lived her whole life in Austin. Mrs Miller and her husband are buried in Austin Memorial Park Cemetery.
Emogene Peck Lambie
Emogene passed away October 30, 1927, at the age of 74. Emogene Peck has five great grandchildren who live in Austin and the surrounding area with their children and grandchildren.
Section 2, lot 479